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                深圳市智慧谷消防技术有限公司是国内一家专业从事消防产品一体化解决方案的认证咨询、技术服务机构;业务范围包括:产品设计开发、产品委Ψ托测试、CCCF 强制性认证咨询、自愿性认证咨询防爆认证咨询、CPA计量认证咨询、检验设备销售。公司拥有一批消防人才,有二十余年消防行业工作经验。“行践言、以责任赢信任”是智慧谷公司对用户的郑重承诺,“用户满意是检验我们工作成败的唯一标准“,得到了国内外客户的一致好评。

                公司建立了火灾探测产品测试』试验室,配置了火灾探测器标准烟箱、火灾灵敏度试验室控制及数据采集分析系统、火灾探测器闭环温箱、吸气式火灾探测器标准烟箱、红/紫外火焰探测器试验装置、可燃气体测试与分析系统、防爆@试验箱、手动火灾报警按钮/消火栓按钮动作性试@ 验装置、碰撞/冲击试验装置、高、低温、湿热试验箱、电磁兼容五十余火灾探测专用检验设备,可对感烟火灾探测器、可燃气体探测器等火灾探测报警产品进行全项委托检测,产品测试数据与第三方、国家检验中心相同。同时我们有着专业的火灾探测器设计和测试人员,对测试中出现的问题进行分析并出具解决方案




                Shenzhen winsy Certification Technology Co., Ltd. is the first professional certification service organization engaged in fire protection product certification and explosion-proof product certification in China; Business scope includes: CCCF compulsory certification,product commission testing, explosion proof certification, voluntary certification, product development and design, inspection equipment sales. The company has a group of professional fire professionals, more than 20 years of fire industry experience“ The company's solemn commitment to users is to "practice words and win trust with responsibility", and "user satisfaction is the only standard to test the success or failure of our work", which has been highly praised by customers at home and abroad.

                The company has established a fire detection product test laboratory, equipped with fire detector standard smoke box, fire sensitivity laboratory control and data acquisition and analysis system, closed-loop temperature box of fire detector, standard smoke box of air breathing fire detector, red / ultraviolet flame detector test device, combustible gas test and analysis system, explosion-proof test box Manual fire alarm button / hydrant button action test device, collision / impact test device, high temperature, low temperature, damp heat test box, electromagnetic compatibility and other special fire detection inspection equipment, which can carry out all entrusted tests on smoke fire detector, combustible gas detector and other fire detection and alarm products, and the product test data is the same as that of the third party and national inspection center. At the same time, we have professional fire detector design and testing personnel to analyze the problems in the test and provide solutions.

                The mandatory certification products of the company include 16 fire-fighting products, including fire alarm, fire protection, fire fighting equipment and fire fighting equipment,involving 155 national and industrial standards; Technical appraisal service for fire products without national standards and industry standards is provided. Based in Shenzhen, the company has a wide customer base in South China, North China, central China, East China and southwest China, and has established long-term and stable cooperation relations with overseas customers such as Germany, Italy, Singapore and so on. The scale and reputation of customers enjoy a high reputation in the industry.

                "Winsy" has become a famous brand of fire industry certification services.

                Honest and trustworthy wisdom Valley staff warmly welcome you to the company to investigate and guide the work, mutual benefit and common development.